Another day, another HamWAN site….
Spent most of Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon working on the Beacon Hill HamWAN site. Here are the pictures from the two days.
Friday I finished the rack build out, which was mainly getting the UPS batteries wired up and assembling the PDU and Switch. With that working, I was able to configure enough of the PtP link to Baldi (which Bart had installed the previous weekend) to allow the admin group to get into the site.
Today the crew got the S2 sector installed (what I call the Kenny sector, since it points at my QTH) and another PtP antenna for Haystack. They were all at least talking to each other when we left, but I think more admin configuration is needed. (where is DHCP guys?)
Next weekend is another PtP dish for Gold and then S1 / S3 sectors. Got to use a rotary hammer today to drill holes in the concrete for the PtP dish. That was cool….