June 2nd, 2018 kennyr
Attended the Seaside hamfest this weekend. I am pretty sure that I attended my first one 30 years ago or really close to it. I enjoy seeing people and hanging out, but there is little at the hamfest that actually interests me. I bought my normal bag of adapters and misc. connectors and then tried to wonder around the main flea market area. Since I’m still not doing great with the leg thing, I ended up going back to the room to rest after an hour.
My main reason for coming this year was to give a talk on the WWARA and repeater coordination. The idea was to hold a short membership meeting during the talk (which I managed todo in less than two minutes) and then give a talk about what repeater coordination actually is and some of the things the WWARA does for regular hams. The room was nearly filled and people were asking questions, so I’m going to call it a success. Here is a link to the talk.
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June 2nd, 2018 kennyr
During my four week post post-op follow up with the doc, I got a bunch of really good news. I got a schedule for slowing adding weight to my right leg (50% that week, then 25% a week) and he increased the brace so I could sit up to 80 degrees and then 90 degrees the following week. On week six, I was allowed to ditch the crutches and brace completely. March 29th was six weeks from my surgery, when I woke up that morning I ditched the brace and move the crutches to the corner.
I had already been slowly adding weight bearing to my right leg for the last couple weeks. My PT guy pointed out that 75% weight bearing, I could stand without the crutches, because I was only going to put 50% on my bad leg. When I realized this, I went pretty quickly to ‘walking’ with the crutches. I was only really using them when going up and down stairs.
Rosie was pretty amazed to see me walking around on Tuesday, she said that I was walking normally and couldn’t believe it. I get tired still if I go for any long distances and need to take stairs slow, but so far so good. Back to work next week.
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