Never thought a watch video would be so cool….
January 4th, 2015 kennyrThis is just amazing….
This is just amazing….
I was off all this week and have been catching up on various things. One of the to-do items on my list was finishing the video of my black belt test. I got the video’s of the other black belts done right away, but sort of ran out of steam when it was time to-do my own. I finished putting it together yesterday and got it posted tonight.
I had originally did a short video of one of the three breaks, which included some slow motion video of me breaking a real wooden board. This was done before I upgrade my MBP to 10.10. So I was a little surprised when I attempted to load iMovieHD and it gave me a error message, seems iMovieHD isn’t supported on 10.10. So I had to import the Quicktime video and edit out the intro, so I could glue that footage into the new fully version. Also mean learning the new iMovie, which actually was a little easier to use.
Here is the video….
NOTE: I know this is bad form, but the miss in the first sequence is the only board break miss I’ve had during any of my tests. At the time, I couldn’t figure out what happen. (The second attempt broke the board, but it wasn’t pretty.)
Anyhow, with the video it is pretty clear what happen. CGN Vlcek flinched and moved the board about three inches as I was coming around. It isn’t difficult to break these boards, as long as you hit them in the center. I bounced that attempt off the edge, which means I kicked the board out of CGN’s hands rather than break it. Holding for board breaks is really tough, I’ve found turning my head and closing my eyes is the only way to guarantee you won’t flinch.