January 24th, 2009
It has been a interesting week here in Seattle. Being an ex-MSFT person, I have a huge number of friends who are or now were still working there. From the people I have spoken with so far, the average is about 1 in 4 were laid off. For the two who were laid off, they were both expecting it and were treated fairly. (Meaning not walked to the door by security)
When I started at MSFT, it was like working for the government. Everybody assumed you had a job for life, getting a loan was nothing once they confirmed your employment. Having gone through a forced separate from the mothership myself, I really feel for those who got laid off this week. I hope they all come out of it as well as I did, I really believe that it was the best thing for me.
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January 18th, 2009
I hate LAX airport!
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January 16th, 2009
Arrived in LA
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January 16th, 2009
Waiting at airport – flying to the land of the mouse this weekend.
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January 11th, 2009
I just had one of those raw home improvement experiences that seem to only happen on TV shows. A long time ago we moved our extra TV into our bedroom closet. It fit perfect in there, was in the exact right spot and worked great. The only problem was nobody bothered to run power and a TV drop into the master bedroom closet. So with the whole bedroom make over we started three months ago, Rosie said no more cables running across the floor to trip over.
I initially thought about cutting the carpet and running both power and a tv drop across the entry to the bathroom. But in looking at it, there was no way to-do both without leaving a bump. Then I noticed that the bathroom outlet shared the same wall as the closet, so I decided to drop a line from it to the a new outlet in the closet.
Everything was straight forward and pretty simple. It only took about 10 minutes to fish the new line down and cutting the whole was easy. The new retro-fit electrical boxes are amazing, super simple and very strong. Other then the half dozen trips back and forth to the garage for tools, it was pretty simple. Isaac had a blast drilling the pilot holes and “helping” me pull the wire.
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January 8th, 2009
Seattle is underwater – please send boats
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January 5th, 2009
Eating rice n beans with Isaac
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January 4th, 2009
I’ve been pretty quiet the last week. Trying to enjoy my week off of work, when it wasn’t crazy weather/holiday time. I ended up spending one full day sick as a dog on the couch, but had some fun getting little projects done and playing some radio. This weekend has been a bunch of family time stuff, but I was able to get a line in the tree out front so I can string up a antenna. (I’ve been waiting for the leaves to fall and the weather to play nice.
So this evening I finish cutting up the chicken for dinner and take the bad pieces out to the garage, only to find it is snowing AGAIN! I can’t believe this, it snowed a little bit on Friday night, but was gone before we got up in the morning. But this isn’t going to disappear so quickly, it has already dumped enough to cover the front yard. Damn snow, if I wanted to have winters like this we’d move to Canada or something.
Oh yea, I started playing with flickr this afternoon. I was trying to talk Rosie into uploading some of her stuff, so to make it easier I went looking for a tool that allows you to publishing them straight out of iPhoto. In the process I ended up publishing some of the stuff in my iPhoto library. Kind of slick.
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