@vareck Yep
September 30th, 2010@vareck Yep
@vareck Yep
@vareck That was total up and down between our cable modem and comcast. Including overhead for cable modem control.
@bernard_ben Day 1 with PC complete, not one lock up. Now back to hangs when docking/undocking. Trade off is net positive.
the grand total of disk usage last month at the Richards’s house was 478GB. Wow…
I just had to write a program (in C no less) to hack myself a root shell on my work laptop. All this just to be able to back it up. Mac fail
I give up, I’m going back to a PC at work. The Mac just doesn’t play well in a AD world. Mine can’t talk with Kerberos again!
I also on-boarded my 1st new employee at work, but am still getting hang of manager duties.
Bunch of firsts over the last couple days. 1) Made 1st contribute to open source project (docs, not code) 2) cracked seal on iPad….
That being said, the winmor protocol does seem to be working and replaces a $1000 box with your soundcard. Props to those who did it #tapr
If your doing some public speaking and have your back turned to the crowd, so you can read the slides, just stop and sit down. #tapr #hamr